A Canadian gal in Stuttgart, Germany, who loves nothing better than crafting by the seat of her pants. See her snip, sew, knit, knot, glue, sculpt, splatter, spin, and of course, talk about herself.

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Monday, March 12, 2007
You are all just the bestest ever! I swear, just as I had clicked the publish button, there was this little rush of panic as I though - Oh my god, did I really just post a picture of myself in pink fishnets on the internet!?! Not that I'm the type to get easily embarassed - if y'all knew have the stupid things I do on a regular basis, you would be hard pressed to believe I wasn't doing it on purpose. But there's just something a bit intimidating about knowing that your stupidity has been saved for all prosperity on a medium that is open to the whole world.

Hehe. Actually, come to think of it that's pretty funny! Maybe I should post pictures which are really embarassing, like those of me at the annual Whores and Transvestites Party (oh google, who will you send to my blog now?) . The idea of it is that everyone who attends, whether male or female, must dress like a horribly tawdry hussie. It's loads of fun! I think one of the things I miss the most here is dressing up for Halloween, so when this party comes round, I take full advantage. I just love dressing up! It's so much fun to look for the tackiest, trampiest things possible, and to help the boys with their boobs! I am the official champion boob maker. We use latex gloves we still from the lab and fill them with water. Not too much though! Otherwise you have fingers sticking out of your boob ;) You tuck the fingers underneath and put the "boobs" into an extra big bra - and voila! Boy with boobs!

Anyway, back to my makeover-in-progress, I really appreciate all of the comments and suggestions, as obviously, I need all the help I can get ;) As I said, I need to get away from the frumpy things I have been wearing lately, but I'm not sure I can go back to the things I used to wear before the descent into frump began (ie pink fishnets). I think Risa made a good point that I could maybe find a compromise between the two extremes. It is very tempting to go back to one of my many past looks...the hippie in torn jeans and beflowered hair, the punky girl with combat boots and purple hair (and the fishnets of course) or even the Bjork fan with little buns and dots on my face. But the idea here is for a new me! As I think I may have hinted at before, Stuttgart is not so much a style haven, so me needs be looking for inspiration someplace else! Although I have had a long term love affair with Vogue, what I really love best is your everyday style queens. Growing up in Toronto, I was constantly amazed at the things people wore - so I was really happy when I noticed there are quite a few Toronto folks on Wardrobe Remix. If you haven't seen it before, check it out - it's awesome! If you find looking through that many pictures a little tiring though, you can always check the week's highlights on Bits and Bobbins, which is run by the group's creator. There are also links to other street fashion sites, like the famous Sartorialist and the cute cute cute Hel-looks of people in Helsinki, many of whom qualify as walking works of art.
But of course, inspiration aside, the main component of real style is certain personal je ne sais quois. It's all about working what yo mama gave you ;) As we all know there is nothing more beautiful than just being your own wonderful self. With that in mind, I leave you with a poem that darling Helen left a link to in reply to my last post. Enjoy!
When I am Old I will wear Purple!
When I am an old woman,
I shall wear purple - -
With a red hat which doesn't go,
and doesn't suit me.
And I shall spend my pension
on brandy and summer gloves and satin sandles,
And say we've no money for butter.
I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired
and gobble up samples in shops
and press alarm bells
and run with my stick along public railings,
and make up for the sobriety of my youth.
I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
and pick flowers in other people's gardens
and learn to spit!
You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
and eat three pounds of sausages at ago,
or only bread and pickles for a week,
and hoard pens and pencils
and beermats and things in boxes.
But now we must have clothes that keep us dry,
and pay our rent
and not swear in the street,
and set a good example for the children.
We must have friends to dinner
and read the papers.
But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
So people who know me
are not too shocked and surprised
when suddenly I am old,
And start to wear purple!
--Jenny Joseph

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posted by tatjana @ 2:09 p.m.  
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