A Canadian gal in Stuttgart, Germany, who loves nothing better than crafting by the seat of her pants. See her snip, sew, knit, knot, glue, sculpt, splatter, spin, and of course, talk about herself.

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Thursday, May 24, 2007
I'm Back!!!
Phew. What a week. Or maybe I should say what a month? I am finally back in my hometown, Toronto, Canada. I arrived at my parents a week ago and I've been running around like a headless chicken since. Between friends, relatives, unpacking, job hunting and doing all those millions of little things for getting settled, I've been busy. But happily, I just got highspeed internet set up at my parents, because I need it like yesterday for my job with the organic paper, so that means I can upload pics and stuff. I hate having to post without pictures!!

Being the die hard thriftaholic that I am, I have already been on a thrift spree this week with my mum, because Value Village was having their 50% off sale!!! Woohoo!! I found some great stuff. I haven't been able to tak pics off anything yet, but hopefully you're willing to settle for some pics of Portugal for now :)

It's great being home, but somehow I don't think it's really sunk in yet. Although I've got the thing with the paper going, I need to find more work before I can move into my own place, so I'll be staying with the folks for a bit. Kinda wierd. My mum is uber happy to see me and wants to do a million things. It's great to spend time with them both again, but I can't wait til things are more settled and I know where I'm living n all. Somehow I feel like my life has been on hold for so long, ever since I finished my MSc over a year and half ago. I was just biding my time until the next big phase began, and now that it's almost here the impatience is just killing me! I keep dreaming of my own little place to decorate, having a nice pub within walking distance, getting settled in a real job, ie a job I can see myself doing for a long time, as opposed to just until I find something better. I just gotta relax and see how things go, I guess.

I'm also hoping I can finally feed my DIY urges. I found quite a few things thrifting that I want to alter and maybe put up on etsy. It really sucks that half of my stuff is still in boxes somewhere on a boat coming from Germany :P But my mum has a sewing machine, which is a start, so I can play with things a bit, and once all my ribbons and borders and buttons (yay buttons!!) get here I can play with those too :) Right now I'm toying with the idea of throwing together a homemade dress form. Anyone ever try making one of those? Me thinks this is a case for Craftster. I've wanted to make one forever, but just never got around to it. Depending on how job hunting goes, either I will soon have no time, or I will soon have too much time. I figure if it ends up being the latter, I should at least keep myself busy :)
posted by tatjana @ 3:51 p.m.  
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