A Canadian gal in Stuttgart, Germany, who loves nothing better than crafting by the seat of her pants. See her snip, sew, knit, knot, glue, sculpt, splatter, spin, and of course, talk about herself.

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Sunday, March 18, 2007
999 Things - German is fun!
Wow. I haven't added to my was-supposed-to-be-added-to-regularly-and-get-super-long-list. Since I am busy doing a lot of not terribly intresting things, I'll share a couple things with you that make me really happy to speak the German language. If any of you have never considered learning a second language, I highly recommend learning a few words of something just for the fun of it. Words that seem dull as dishwater in your native language will often take on a whole new light and wonder in another! Really! Taking the time to learn another language is one of the greatest gifts I have given myself. So here's a couple fun German words I'd like to gift you all with. Happy Sunday everyone :)

81. The German version of 'in the middle of nowhere' is im Arsch der Welt, which means 'in the ass of the world.'

82. A Thingamajig is a Dingsbums (when pronounced it sounds like dings-poomps). When I first got here, everything became a Dingsbums.

83. Names Jutta (sounds sorta like Utah, but with the stress on the first syllable) and Knut (K-noot). There was a story on the news a couple days ago about a baby polar bear in a German zoo, whose name is Knut. He was so adorable I've decided to replace cute with Knut, because it's just more fun to say ;)

84. Darn! = Quatsch! (Kv-ah-ch!)

85. As a knitter, I love that German patterns call picot trim Mausezähnchen (little mouse teeth).

86. Quotation marks are sometimes referred to as Gänsefüßchen or 'little goose feet'

87. All nouns are capitalized. It's amazing how things as mundane as Nosespray or a Hamsandwich (this would be a super compound Noun in German) seem more important somehow with a big, fat capital Letter.

88. Although I don't have much of a sweet tooth, one of my favourites at the bakery is a Bienenstich or 'bee sting cake' - named so because of the honey glaze on top.

89. A vacuum cleaner is a Staubsauger - literally dust-sucker.

90. If something is really great, you may hear someone say that it's Affengeil or 'horny as a monkey'!


posted by tatjana @ 9:22 p.m.  
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