A Canadian gal in Stuttgart, Germany, who loves nothing better than crafting by the seat of her pants. See her snip, sew, knit, knot, glue, sculpt, splatter, spin, and of course, talk about herself.

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Friday, January 12, 2007
Almost like the real thing!
I must say I'm pretty pleased with myself. I've never made an animated gif before, and to be honest the idea didn't even occur to me until I looked at the pictures that Matthias took of me and my little tea cup (and in my pretty German Tracht blouse). Being all very similar, but in slightly different positions, it reminded me of those cartoon flip books you make in school. Remember those? They were so much fun! Anyway, I just had to see if I could make a little animation out of them. Then it would be like I was really with you all at Risa's Tea Party! If you look carefully, you can even see me stick my pinky out as I drink LOL.

Oh! And before I forget, my virtual bring along are blueberry scones, which I've been making lately using the recipe found here. Grating the butter is a bit of a pain, but otherwise they're super easy and yummy as all hell. And if you have a food processor (not me - *sniff*) it's a snap, cause then you don't have to grate the butter or even knead the dough. I love them with blueberries (both fresh and frozen work) or making them savoury by cutting out most of the sugar, and adding parmesan, herbs and sun dried tomatoes. A must for any tea party! I hope everyone else is enjoying this as much as I am, I love a good tea party :D

**ETA** I've been popping in to see the rest of you ladies, it's so much fun! I really want to thank Risa, as well as the rest of you for the wonderful atmosphere and a great time. I hope we will do this again!


posted by tatjana @ 8:27 p.m.  
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