A Canadian gal in Stuttgart, Germany, who loves nothing better than crafting by the seat of her pants. See her snip, sew, knit, knot, glue, sculpt, splatter, spin, and of course, talk about herself.

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Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Tips for Modifying Bosomy Tank
I'm really sorry I don't have time to figure out the whole pattern for different sizes, but since it is a free pattern I hope y'all will forgive me :) That said, here are a couple tips for changing the fit a bit if you're a larger or smaller girl.

The proportions of the top are pretty simple, so if you need the top to be wider or narrower, just cast on the number of stitches you need according to your gauge and make sure shaping stays centred.

Ex. You want a smaller top and cast on 95 stitches. The centre panel is 31 stitches, and must be in the middle. So 95-31 =64 stitches left. 64/2 = 32 stitches on either side. You will end up with 79 stitches at the top, and to be cast on for the top front. The bust shaping is done 1/3 in from either side, so 79/3 = about 26. Place the markers for bust shaping 26 stitches from the side. Make sense?

Bust Shaping
The pattern fits a D-cup. With the shaping as it is, there is a 6 inch (15cm) difference between the rib cage and bustline. Since each round of increases adds almost and inch, you can do as many rounds as you think you need. 1-2 rounds for an A-cup, probably 3 or 4 for a B, 5 or 6 for a C. Adjust bust decreases to match, ie if you did 4 rounds of increases, do 4 round of decreases. It's that simple.

Hopefully this will help any who want to fiddle a bit, please please please let me know if you make this, and if you need help! I have no real world knitting friends! Only you! (Don't you feel sorry for me now?? lol)

But most importantly, show off those bosoms girls! ;D

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posted by tatjana @ 4:46 p.m.  
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