A Canadian gal in Stuttgart, Germany, who loves nothing better than crafting by the seat of her pants. See her snip, sew, knit, knot, glue, sculpt, splatter, spin, and of course, talk about herself.

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Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Spin - take two (in colour)
and here is some spinning in colour! i've really been wanting to dye some of the white roving i have, because the colours just make me so happy!! it really gives you the feeling of a having a finished product. this is a merino/silk blend that my boy ordered for me, a whole whopping kilo! and it's such a lovely colour, and so soft! the spun yarn feels to smooth. he also got me some plain merino in different colours for me to play with, but i haven't been able to yet, because i want to try carding some of it together, to get a more mixed effect, and there has just been no time :P
the last couple days i've mostly been driving myself crazy, trying to schedule all the things i want to do and see in Toronto next week. i have a big family, so they take up a lot of time, and then of course friends, and there are a couple favourite restaurants and stores that i'm dying to go to, because i've been pretty homesick. AND, last but not least, i've been trying to decide what to order from Knitpicks while i can, since they don't mail to Europe. i don't want to order too much, because really i'm kinda drowning in my stash at the moment, but the yarns are just so pretty! and who knows when i can buy them again? and you know, we're each allowed to bring a whole 32 kg of luggage back with us.... :D

posted by tatjana @ 9:26 a.m.   1 comments
Spinning - take one

Spinning - take one
Originally uploaded by happy go lovely.
just to show that i'm not the most neglectful wheel owner in the world, and that i really have tried to find time to at least spin a wee bit on my newly acquired wheel, here is a pic of my second try. I didn't exactly make loads of progress with my spindle before the wheel, so i'm not spinning thin little plies yet, but I'm happy that I seem to be spinning more evenly, and getting better at achieving the right amount of twist.

posted by tatjana @ 9:16 a.m.   0 comments
Sunday, April 02, 2006
If it looks like a frog, and it sounds like a frog...
then it's probably my knitting. as you can probably tell by the new entries on the sidebar, i have been suffering a bout of startitis. Being the free-for-all knitter that i am, this can get ugly. Really ugly. Admittedly, now is not one of the super ugly times, I've had much worse...frogging of whole sweaters, or a bag that needed to be (gasp!) cut apart. Compared to that, this is not so bad.
first off, the reason why there has been little progress, and less blogging about the Mary Jane cardigan (that i was so excited about getting!) is that i made the ginormous mistake of knitting it on the train. This seemed at first to be a good idea, considering how much time i spend on trains and buses each day....almost 3 whopping hours! Envy me! Just one hitch. I board my first train at about 7:30am, pre-breakfast, and pre-coffee, because I usually pick that up at the main station at this little booth that has the best croissants ever. Which amounts to me in a rather zombie-like state sitting on a crowded train with a lap full of lace yarn and size 2 needles. I am just so smart!! But really, it was going so well for a while. I thought I was just the best knitter ever. And the looks of awe were just the best. Those looks of 'What's that? What is she doing? Is that knitting? Look how pretty that is! How does she do that!?!' Ok, maybe I'm exxagerating a little for emphasis, but you get the point. But my luck/marvelous knitting talent ran out. After about a week of commuter lace, I noticed I'd completely ran amok with the border a few rows previously, and had just continued knitting, completely oblivious! Since it's on the border, it's a super noticeable mistake, and there's no way to avoid frogging it and doing it over, but I just haven't felt up to it. Chances are slim that I'll get to it this week before we leave for Canada, so it looks like that'll be on hold til we get back.
What I will try to do this week though, is finish that damn Bubble Wrap already, even though part of that will also have to be frogged. Or actually, is in the progress of. I made on of the front pieces just too damn small, and I'm really not sure how. I could've sworn I knit both pieces the same way, but now they really don't look it. I thought knitting was the one thing I could still manage to do, even when I come home feeling half flu-ridden and dead-dog-tired, but it looks like I should try n pay a bit more attention. *sigh* Do I really hafta?

posted by tatjana @ 9:03 p.m.   0 comments

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Hadas y Flores
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My Marrakesh
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