A Canadian gal in Stuttgart, Germany, who loves nothing better than crafting by the seat of her pants. See her snip, sew, knit, knot, glue, sculpt, splatter, spin, and of course, talk about herself.

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Tuesday, December 19, 2006
999 Things - Where the hell I've been
Things have been busy busy busy, and I've been up to all sorts of things, some crafty, and mostly otherwise, to the point where when I think of blogging I just don't know where to begin. So I'll just take the few minutes I have right now to give an idea of what I've been up to and hopefully I'll find a bit more time soon for pictures and details.

71. I was in bed, dying slowly, with not the strength to pick up two needles, let alone two needles and yarn. Most importantly though, I had ample time to practice looking as pathetic as possible, which immediately resulted in Bunny taking over all cleaning duties indefinitely!! MwaHaHaHA!!

72. I was in the car, howling country tunes, happily looking forward to my birthday destination, and driven of course, by above mentioned Bunny.

73. I was in Munich, my favourite Germany city! On my birthday! I had the prerequisite krug of beer with my schnitzel lunch (which was the best ever and I'm not even that big on schnitzel), then examined the Christmas market in minute detail.

74. I was still in Munich, but the second day we went to Tollwood, which is Munich's 'alternative' Christmas market. There you can buy organic Glühwein (mulled wine) and all sorts of esoteric doodads. Lots of handmade goodies, but unfortunately bad lighting, so although I will have pics to show, none are of the things here :P

75. I was in Bad Tölz!! This is a lovely little town south of Bavaria, where my father happens to have been born. It was such a joy to wander through their small Christmas market and then explore all sorts of little allies in between the beautifully maintained and/or restored buildings which are several hundred years old. We tried to find the actually old farmhouse where my dad was born, but unfortunately either he had the house number wrong, or it got torn down to put up the relatively new medical centre. I'm hoping it's the first option, because I'd really like to go there with him and look for it together :)

76. I was at our own local Christmas market, where I made some lovely new friends. One of Bunny's co-workers apparently has a gaggle of girlfriends who are just as nutty as me! It was great. Not to be too critical of Germany, but I've never felt so at ease hanging out with a group of Germans before. And considering I've been here 3 years now, that's really saying something.

77. I was also at work, of course, with about a bazillion things to do. And of course I had to remember to feed my co-workers, since I had run away for my birthday. Here, instead of a co-worker bringing a cake or something for you for your birthday, you are expected to bring food for everyone. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have about 20 people in my department and take the train to work. But happily, Bunny gave me a ride my morning back, and helped my bake the carrot cake, which turned out awesome as well as a basket of yummy scones I just found a great recipe for.

78. I was not at my work Christmas party, because it happened to take place while we went to Munich and there was no way of planning around it, but there have been lots of other Christmas gatherings. It's been years since I've had goose dinner, but thanks to lovely dinner parties this year, I've already had two! I'm just a sucker for a good roast bird!

79. And yes, I was at yet another Christmas market, this time in Esslingen, which is one of the towns/burroughs/I'm not really sure which make up the greater Stuttgart area. Esslingen is really pretty, having a lot of great old building which make for a lovely atmosphere, and best of all, half of the market is medieval! I've gushed about such things before, and I could hardly keep myself from giggling at all the people in garb and the games they had for the kiddies. They even had a kind of ferris wheel made out of wood and iron, with 6 troughs that the children could ride in. It was operated by a huge crank on the side and rather weary looking peasant. I tried really hard to get a picture, but there were so many people we could hardly move, let alone get clear shots of anything.

80. Last, but not least, I was buying a tree! Woohoo! Due to visits back to Canada and other less substantial reasons, we have not had one of our own before. But this year I just couldn't hold out any longer. Plus, it will be my first non-plastic tree ever! Traditionally, trees are decorated on Christmas eve here (thought no longer done by everyone) so we only got ours this past weekend, and she's still waiting in the yard to come in. We will be decorating tomorrow with some great bits I found on ebay and hopefully some handmades too :)

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posted by tatjana @ 1:32 p.m.   4 comments

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