Monday, May 22, 2006 |
ain't i just? ;) |
I found this fun quiz just after deciding to finally join up for Knit the Classics. For those who haven't heard about it, it's a combination of online reading and knitting group. This month's book is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, which I've read at least half a dozen times. I'm a bit of a sucker for old fashioned British romance. And it just so happens that the lace cardi I'm working on has a sorta Regency feel to it, so it can be my book related knit! **As it says below, the quiz really is long, so be warned.
 | You scored as Elizabeth Bennet. As one of Austen's most beloved characters, Elizabeth Bennet represents what most women would like to become: strong, independent, and loyal. Of course, she has her faults including a stubborn will of iron and a clinging to first impressions. Overall, Lizzie is bright and lovable...something to admire and aspire to.
Elizabeth Bennet | | 75% | Emma Woodhouse | | 59% | Marianne Dashwood | | 59% | Elinor Dashwood | | 47% | Jane Bennet | | 44% | Charlotte Lucas | | 25% | Lady Catherine | | 16% |
Which Jane Austen Character are You? (For Females) Long Quiz!!! created with |
posted by tatjana @ 5:41 p.m.   |
Wednesday, May 17, 2006 |
Taking a little break.... |
Just in case anyone is still checking in, I thought I'd post to make clear that I'm not leaving my blog for dead, but it'll be another week or two before I have time to really post again. Things have been busy catching up on everything since getting back from Canada, and the trip itself was pretty hectic, so I didn't manage to get any of the rest I needed. To make matters worse, instead of being comforted by the sight of my family and friends, it really just drove home the fact that I still haven't adjusted to life here in Germany, and I'm really not happy here. But unless I want to leave the man I love, or the only decent job prospect I have at the moment, there's little chance of me leaving any time soon. So for now I'm taking a little hiatus until I'm a bit more my chipper self and have the time and motivation to get my blog/craft mojo back. I've been able to knit on the train, tho. I'm working on a little cotton lace cardigan of my own design, and I think tonight I'll start the little cotton cardigan in the current issue of Vogue Knitting. So by the time I feel up to blogging again, I should at least have some interesting knit bits to show :)
posted by tatjana @ 9:35 a.m.   |
Monday, May 01, 2006 |
Happy May Day! |
Wow! It's really nice to be home. The last 3 weeks in Canada were great, I got to introduce Matthias to my family, and show him some of Canada, his one day home-to-be, and see some places that I hadn't been able to go to before. In spite of all the family visits, and me running like a nut around every thrift or yarn shop I could find, I think Matthias had a good time too :) My only problem now is finding somewhere to put the new additions to my yarn and fabric stashes....Eeek! It really is dangerous taking a trip away from your stash, because it becomes very easy to imagine it's smaller than it actually is. You have those thoughts sneaking in like 'Oh, I don't have any in THAT colour.' or 'I must still have room on that shelf near the top.' Uhuh. Right. Fat chance. But that's ok, cuz I tried really hard to be good, and didn't buy as much as I feared I would, considering here I have to buy my yarn almost entirely online. I'll take some pics later today of the new yarns and bits of vintage fabric I found, I can't wait to start playing with them :) And once I've uploaded the pics, I'll tell you more about our holiday and treat you with some nice pics of Niagara Falls, Quebec City, and the gorgeousness that is Nova Scotia, even at this time of year when it's still creeping out of winter. Right now I've got to go finish unpacking...thank God today's a holiday here!
posted by tatjana @ 11:14 a.m.   |
Trekking XXL Enrelac Socks Dottie Tank Lizzieas pdf Bosomy Tankas pdf Mods for Bosomy TankA Fanciful Twist Anastasia Drawing and Dreaming Apron Thrift Girl Arleta's Motley Wool The Barefoot Cobbler Beauty School Dropout cArried AwAy Kandeedo Bandeedo Fiber Arts Afloat Hadas y Flores Jungle Dream Pagoda Lobstah Life muerto de risa My Marrakesh Moonstitches Petunia Pink Lady Knits SewStylish Sock prOn So Sylvie Stitched in Holland