A Canadian gal in Stuttgart, Germany, who loves nothing better than crafting by the seat of her pants. See her snip, sew, knit, knot, glue, sculpt, splatter, spin, and of course, talk about herself.

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Monday, April 06, 2009
Quick Update!
Since my last post I was at a bit of a loss as to how to continue. I had a few days of...well, awful after my last chemo and then I was so excited when I finally felt better and so desperate to get out of the house I hardly had time to check my mail, let alone blog. But I'm determined to get in the habit of writing again, so here are at least a few pictures of my weekend....I was at the Slow Food Fair here in Stuttgart. For those of you not familiar with the slow food movement, it is basically meant to counteract the fast food culture that has become so prevalent with some of the main objectives being that people should take the time and take an interest in their food, that it should be fresh, regional, of good quality and be fairly and ethically produced. My honey and I are both working on doctorates in organic agriculture, so we take food very seriously :) We had a great time looking at all the great products, talking to lots of interesting people and above all, eating!

To give you an idea of what you're seeing here, one of the most important parts of the German diet is BREAD. In all parts of Germany you will find a bakery on what seems like every street corner and they are filled with breads made of many different grains and seeds.

No German food fair would be complete without sausage. I'm afraid it would take me a lot more time than I have right now to go into the incredible variety of sausages and other meat products which we saw over the weekend! But suffice it to say, the German farmer wastes nothing and my taste buds are definitely the better for it :)

Here are a variety of mustards, which is the usual sausage topping here (not ketchup!) and can be found in many variations. You might notice the sign that emphasizes that they are made without any artificial colour or flavour, or preservatives :)

I'll leave you with this picture of our snack when we finally took a little break. A glass of organic southern German bubbly and some delicious oysters! I know they're maybe not everyone's cup of tea, but really, they were delicious!
posted by tatjana @ 9:12 p.m.   0 comments

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