Thursday, July 05, 2007 |
Knit Therapy - Day 1 |
So, some a few may have been wondering what the hell I've been up to. Well, it would be nice anyway ;) Unfortunately there hasn't been a lot of fun to share since I got back and I really just didn't have the heart to have to put it all down here on top of all the other people in my life who are constantly popping up and asking how I'm doing and what I'm up to these days. It just seems terribly rude to say "My life has been a monumental pile of crap lately, how's yours?"
Aren't you happy now that I've been preserving you all from such great positive energy?? But today, finally, I have some happiness to share, and dagnabbit, it's even craft related! My friend Nadia, who I had not managed to meet up with yet, asked if I was free to come with her to a knit n crochet group. Let me tell you, with everything that's been going on and the effect it's had on my mood, I have to admit I was very close to not going. Do any of you do that? Turn down a perfectly good time because you're just too busy wallowing? But luckily I gived myself a well-placed kick in the keester and mosied on down there. And thanks to Nadia and the absolutely fabulous girls who came out tonight, I had a fabulous time and got a much needed boost. And what made it even better is that it just happens to be every week, within walking distance even!
Sometimes it's the littlest things that give you the strength to say "I can get through this. I will get through this." All it takes is a couple of hours sitting next to a group of happy, kind, creative women. Sharing the joy of doing something you love. Flexing your creative muscles and watching something grow from the work of your own two hands. I am a great believer in serendipity. I like to think that life is a series of small miracles. Today, I am grateful for this one. |
posted by tatjana @ 5:26 a.m.   |