A Canadian gal in Stuttgart, Germany, who loves nothing better than crafting by the seat of her pants. See her snip, sew, knit, knot, glue, sculpt, splatter, spin, and of course, talk about herself.

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Sunday, March 05, 2006
Snowy Garden

Snowy Garden
Originally uploaded by happy go lovely.
This is what we woke up to yesterday morning, a big honking heap of snow! This much at once is not really normal here in southern Germany, and pretty much unheard of in March. Folks here are used to a light dusting that is usually gone in a day or two, and start to drive like grannies if it's any heavier. Silly Germans! One thing I really like here though, is that although salt is used on the highways for safety, the other roads just get gravel. I'm not sure that would work in Canada, we just have too much ice, and without salt there's just no way of maintaining any kind of safe road conditions. But it's a nice change here not to have salt stains on everything :)

posted by tatjana @ 7:47 p.m.  
  • At Monday, March 20, 2006 4:14:00 a.m., Blogger jennifer said…

    that's such a lovely pic - i miss the häuschen in germany, the rolling hills, red roofs sprinkling the countryside, the grrrreat yarn shops, eiscafés (yum) and the noise of cars on the cobblestone streets. although canada is pretty rockin' too - you've got it good, eh?

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