A Canadian gal in Stuttgart, Germany, who loves nothing better than crafting by the seat of her pants. See her snip, sew, knit, knot, glue, sculpt, splatter, spin, and of course, talk about herself.

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Thursday, March 02, 2006
Yay! MAIL!!

i don't know about you, but i just love gettin' stuff in the mail. last year i was pretty active on nervousness, a web site for people into mail art. it was alot of fun. for those who don't know, mail art can be pretty much anything you've made yourself, that you then send in the mail to someone else. there are all sorts of groups who do simple trades, work on group projects that get passed/mailed along, or who make things based on themes to send to others in the group, or a special person who could use the art love. the site was down for a long time, but it's been up again (for the most part) since the fall. as part of an exchange we started last year that got cut short, i've been lucky enough to receive these two art dolls in the mail. the top one is from Karan, who lives in Israel, and was beaded by hand. this type of dollmaking has been really popular, and this is a lovely example. i really like the pattern.
the other doll is from Laurina, and is made from clay, fabric, and a piece she took from her date palm tree! i really love this doll. i think they both rock the casbah, but because of the colour and the plant bits, the one from Laurina is especially me. i haven't made a doll myself since Nervousness went AWOL, but now that it's up again, and people seem to be trickling back, maybe it's time to revive some of my non-knit craftiness.

posted by tatjana @ 7:14 p.m.  
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