Thursday, November 10, 2005 |
Kitty Chaos |
Usually it's Lily who goes looking for my wool, and she already knows she's not supposed to, because she takes off as soon as she sees me coming. But this morning Lily managed to tear off some and carry it off with her to show Abby. I should've known she was out to get her hooked. Lilly: Rrrrr. Rrrr. I love playing with this lovely sheep stinky wool!! Abby: Huh? Hey! Whazzat? It smells funny. Can I sniff? Lily: No! My wool. But, you know, I could tell you where you can find some more..... sigh. And so this afternoon, while I was in the kitchen making myself a sandwich, the two of them were on a wool mission. I come back to my desk to find Abby nestled among the bundles, purring and getting ready for a nap. Lily was outta there so fast, for a second I wasn't even sure she had even been there, but she left here mark behind, as you can see in the big white mess on the left. I'm just glad they don't know where I hid my little stash of camel hair.
posted by tatjana @ 8:17 p.m. |